Setting Effective Consequences

You Get Immediate access to Tia's Training -
How To Set Effective Consequences
for $97USD

Hi there! I’m Tia

I'm so glad you're here! Now we can making your parenting experience a whole lot easier and I couldn’t be more excited for you and what's to come!

Life is too unpredictable to waste minutes, days, weeks and years waiting for things to change. You need to take the first step and MAKE change happen. Changing your child's behavior starts with you. You must learn the skills to shift your parenting in order to shift your child's behavior.

Problems don't go away on their own. Trust me, I wish they did. The truth is they get bigger as your kids get bigger. Waiting will only make life harder for you and them. Sometimes the truth is a harsh reality, but I care too much about your parenting experience to beat around the bush.

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The Parenting With Purpose Handbook (PDF)

Normally $97 - Add for only $67! If you know that you need more support and guidance with your parenting, The Parenting Solutions Handbook is the perfect supplement to this training. After this, to purchase this handbook will be $97, but as of right now, you can add it onto this training for only $67.

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Shift Your Parenting To Shift Your Child's Behavior…

Hosted by:
Parenting Coach - Tia Slightham

Tia is a teacher, business owner, best selling author (You’ve Got This Mama, Too) and most importantly a MOM. She is the founder of Tia Slightham- Parenting Solutions and The Parenting With Purpose Method, where she works with parents to teach them positive ways to decrease the daily struggles we all encounter as parents. You will learn to save time and energy so you can live a high quality life with your kids, enjoying the moments you have together.

Tia has a Masters degree in Early Childhood Ed., is certified in Positive Discipline and has worked with kids and families for over 16 years. She will work alongside you to tailor a plan to solve all of your parenting struggles. Her positive solutions will be effective, long-lasting and most importantly, will help you and your child reconnect.

Small changes make BIG results!

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