Battle-Free Bedtimes

In Two Weeks Or Less
(Big Kid Beds)

So, what exactly is BATTLE-FREE BEDTIMES


Battle-Free Bedtimes in Two Weeks Or Less is a comprehensive self training program designed to help you teach your kids to go to bed, stay in bed, learn to fall asleep independently without tears and sleep all night.

This is not just a course. It’s lifetime access to all course materials (4 video lessons and course workbook), plus extra bonus modules. One-on-One coaching is also available via the course option, Battle-Free Bedtimes Plus, for those who desire to have extra support. Not to mention with this course you’ll be getting your life back!

My clear step-by-step approach and no-nonsense sleep solutions are designed to help you achieve your sleep goals in the fastest and easiest manner, all guilt free!

This sleep course shows you a clear success path of how to fast track your way to battle free bedtimes where you can enjoy each evening with your kids and all get a high quality night’s sleep.If you have ever felt stuck, defeated, stressed to busy to make changes or completely overwhelmed when it comes to the topic of bedtime and sleep, you’re not alone!

As a Parenting Coach who has worked with kids and families for over 20 years, I have helped hundreds of families achieve their sleep goals.I’ve been listening to your goals and sleep challenges. I have an idea of where you have been stuck or what has caused you to get into the vicious cycle of battling bedtime. I have easy, simple and effective solutions to help you overcome these roadblocks.

With this insight, I have created a one-of-a-kind course training that will serve my mission to help as many parents as possible achieve their sleep goals without guilt or complexity.

What makes this the Best Sleep Teaching Program?

With this course you will get so much more than Battle-Free bedtimes. You will learn to improve your child’s behaviour and increase cooperation. Your daily parenting experience, as a whole, will improve with the immense amount of information and tools you will gain.

Lesson 1: Parenting Foundations For Success

Battle-Free bedtimes and easier parenting all start with a solid foundation. I will show you how to build strong parenting foundations to set you up for success.

This is a course not only, about Battle-Free bedtimes, but will also give you information around your child’s basic and emotional needs to avoid power struggles.

Get my #1 parenting formula to help your kids listen and cooperate in just 10 minutes a day.

Lesson 2: Learn to Develop Fair Boundaries

I will break down the reason your kids push bedtime limits and throughout the day into an easy to understand and grasp manner.

With over 20 years of experience I am able to show you how simple parenting strategies can and will set you up with clear, firm and fair boundaries to make life easier for you and your kids.

Discovering how to set fair boundaries is a required step in creating Battle-Free bedtimes and for making daily parenting easier and more enjoyable!

Lesson 3: Charts and Routines for Easier Bedtime

Get your kids involved in the process in a fun way! The more you involve your kids in the process, the more invested they will be.

I will walk you through how to make your dream bedtime your reality in two weeks or less. I will show you how to help your kids get ready for bed without battles, stalling tactics or negotiations. No more asking them to brush their teeth over and over.

Find out how setting up age appropriate bedtime charts and routines will help your child build independence and responsibility. All of which will create easy bedtimes and daily parenting.

Lesson 4: Step Out For Sleep Success – Complete Sleep Action Plan

I will walk you step by step, night by night through a complete sleep action plan.

Step Out For Sleep Success is a supportive, gentle and effective sleep teaching method without guilt or tears.
Your kids won’t be left alone to cry it out or feel afraid. You will be there with them each step of the way to help you feel good about teaching your child positive sleep habits.

High quality and quantity sleep is your key to easier parenting. Finally enjoy the moments you have with your kids, because I don't want you to look back one day with regrets; wishing you had spent your time together making happy memories and peaceful bedtimes.

You can finally stop wasting time, energy and frustration each night battling with your kids to go to bed.


These bonus modules will help give you extra support and guidance as your work through the course. Take time to download your easy to access PDF guide to help you along the way!

Step Out For Sleep

This module is a complete step-by-step guide to walk you through your sleep action plan.

Use this guide as quick reference or “cheat sheet” as you teach your child to fall asleep independently.

Having your plan handy and easy to access will be extra support as you create positive sleep habits for your child.

Golden Time Formula

Golden time truly is your golden key to easier parenting.

Sleep and golden time will solve the majority of your parenting challenges. This module will go into further depth about how to make time in your busy schedule to connect with your child, as well as, offer you a complete activity list to help get you on your way without any extra work!

Charts, Routines & Schedules

Charts and routines will not only help ease your bedtime battles, but it will also build your child’s independence and responsibility.

All kids want to feel capable and have a true sense of accomplishment. Help your kids build their confidence by creating easy to follow routines. Use the bonus charts within this guide to create morning and bedtime routines easily, starting right now!

What My Past Clients Have To Say

Since birth, my daughter has co-slept with us, jumped out of cribs, snuck into our bed night after night. She has resisted bedtime with broken toddler gates, temper tantrums, manipulation, and tears (myself included). I can’t remember a time when I didn't lay with her until I was unequivocally sure she would be asleep, until I followed Tia’s advice!" - Kate Garland

We had been struggling with bedtime for months. Both kids wanted their back rubbed for what seemed like hours before falling asleep in their rooms and then sneaking out once they were asleep. With the help of Tia we are now able to kiss them good night and walk out of the room while they are awake.” - Kathryn F.

Our 4 year old daughter started waking in the night multiple times a night and wouldn't go back to sleep in her bed. Our sleeping problems were connected to other things during the day that this course helped us on. We worked through the process of gradually getting our daughter to sleep in her bed, and stay there, every night.
I can't say enough great things about Tia or the process
.” - Sam O.

I have been out of their room for almost 2 weeks now. Bedtime is still about 45 minutes, from start to finish, but it is consistent and enjoyable.
I feel grateful for this journey my family is on. Sleep health is important.
" - Alyssa O’Banion

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I teach more than one child at the same time in the same room?

Yes! If you want your kids to share a room, you can teach the simultaneously. You will only need one parent to follow the sleep action plan. Instead of being near one child’s bed, you will strategically place yourself between the two beds.

What if there’s only one parent home to put the kid(s) to bed?

This sleep plan works well whether you have one or both parents available. This plan requires only one parent to do bedtime. If you have multiple kids in different rooms and they all need sleep teaching, ideally two parents home makes things easier in the beginning while they’re learning the new routines. If only one of you can be home the majority of the time, I would recommend having the older child read or do something quietly while they wait for you to put the younger one to bed first.

Will I have to leave my child to cry it out (CIO)?

NO!! That’s why parents love this plan. This plan works so well because you don’t have to leave your child to be on their own scared, sad or in tears. You will be right there with them as they learn positive sleep skills.

Does this plan always work?

This plan ALWAYS works as long as you remain CONSISTENT and COMMITTED. Following the plan and remaining consistent will give you your desired results in the least amount of time. It’s gentle, supportive and effective making it easy for parents to commit.

How soon can I expect to see results?

Results will begin to show as early as the first few nights, as long as you follow the plan.

Get Started Now:

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"I have not been as diligent about making Golden Time a priority, but today I got back on track and noticed an immediate improvement in my children's behavior."

~ Ashley M.

"I started Golden Time, which my daughter calls "Boss Time" and in just one day she is letting me have my work time while she does her activities independently - without any attention seeking behaviors!"
~ Mel MP

"Golden Time was a game-changer for me! I finally felt like I was able to meet my children's needs and it only took 10 minutes!"
~ Alyssa O.

"I can't believe how GREAT Golden Time feels for the whole family!"

~ Nicola H.

"We recently went on a family holiday and my daughter (3.5 years) said to me, 'but mama, are we going to have Golden Time?' Golden Time allows Sophie to relax knowing she has something special to look forward to no matter where we are. So thankful we've installed this very important time into our lives!"

~ Allison N.